Thursday, July 6, 2017

Why You Should NEVER Buy doTERRA Oils From Amazon, eBay, or Other Third-Party Sites

I am a price-checker by nature.  I am ALWAYS comparing prices before actually buying something.  In fact, I go to 2 grocery stores every week and know where I need to buy what items in order to get the lowest price.  I do NOT like overpaying, as I’m sure you don’t either!
So I KNOW it’s tempting (and normal), once you’ve decided you want to buy doTERRA essential oils, to want to do a little price shopping!

Here is my Public Service Announcement…
If you purchase doTERRA Essential Oils, PLEASE purchase them directly from doTERRA.  More and more, people are getting ripped off by buying their doTERRA oils from Amazon, eBay, and other third-party sites!
Just recently, someone posted in one of the private groups on Facebook that the latest bottle of doTERRA Lemon oil she ordered looked and smelled like WATER, with just a hint of lemon.  She was going to call doTERRA Customer Service and complain, until it came out she had purchased the oil off AMAZON.
She said the bottle was completely sealed – What she didn’t know was that people can buy lids that look completely sealed and push this new lid on a bottle of oil that has been TAMPERED WITH.
The group promptly gave her an education about what scammers are doing, because unfortunately it is happening more and more.

The Problem
On sites like Amazon and eBay, some sellers are either cutting the oils with a carrier or dumping them entirely and filling them with water, then putting a ‘new’ cap on before selling them.  And then, of course, they can sell the oils for a lower price.
doTERRA stands behind all of their products, but they cannot stand behind product that someone has purchased, potentially tampered with, and then resold.  So if you did not purchase your products directly from doTERRA, there is nothing they can do if for some reason you are unhappy.
This scam is particularly disturbing since many of doTERRA's oils have a ‘Supplement’ label and can be taken internally… I cringe at thinking of someone ingesting one of these oils that has been tampered with, purchased off Amazon, eBay, or the like!!

The Solution
The ONLY way to ensure you are actually getting genuine doTERRA oils is to purchase from doTERRA!!  How do you do that??  Get your own account, and begin purchasing directly from them!  You will also have the GREAT benefit of a support system should you need it!  And remember if you join my group and purchase a Starter Kit, I will send you a free gift to you as well!  You will be getting 100% pure oils.  :)

Please trust me when I say this… if you are finding doTERRA oils cheaper somewhere else, there is a REASON… and it’s probably not a good one!

Update:  Members are no longer permitted to sell  doTERRA oils on 3rd party sites like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and the like.  So if you see someone selling oils there, know that they are violating their agreement with doTERRA!  Just one more reason to buy straight from the source!

*Disclaimer:  The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of doTERRA Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  

Monday, June 26, 2017


 doTERRA Canadian Price List & Price Per Drop
The Price per Drop is based on wholesale prices. I round up to the nearest penny. Prices are subject to change.
Single Essential Oils
Price per Drop

 $ 37.33
23.5 pv
21.5 pv
29 pv
Black Pepper
23.5 pv
27.5 pv
20 pv
14 pv
27.5 pv
22.5 pv
Clary Sage
39 pv
15 pv
27.5 pv
16.5 pv
Douglas Fir
24 pv
15 pv
Fennel (Sweet)
16 pv
74 pv
dōTERRA Touch Frankincense
48.5 pv
29 pv
41.5 pv
17 pv
79.5 pv
Juniper Berry
20 pv
22.5 pv
dōTERRA Touch Lavender
14.5 pv
10.5 pv
10.5 pv
14 pv
20 pv
143 pv
55 pv
25.5 pv
dōTERRA Touch Oregano
17 pv
31.5 pv
22 pv
dōTERRA Touch Peppermint
14.5 pv
15 pv
65.5 pv
Sandalwood (Hawaiian)
65.5 pv
31 pv
Tea Tree
20 pv
dōTERRA Touch Tea Tree
13.5 pv
29 pv
36.5 pv
White Fir
21.5 pv
Wild Orange
11.5 pv
20 pv
Ylang Ylang
37.5 pv
Essential Oil Blends
27.5 pv
21.5 pv
dōTERRA Cheer™
26.5 pv
Citrus Bliss™
16 pv
ClaryCalm™ Roll On
26 pv
dōTERRA Console™
39.5 pv
Deep Blue™ Roll On
68 pv
Deep Blue™
34 pv
dōTERRA Touch Deep Blue
 $    71.00
 $    53.25
44.5 pv
Easy Air™
 $    34.00
 $    25.50
21.5 pv
dōTERRA Touch Easy Air
14 pv
39.5 pv
dōTERRA Forgive™
21.5 pv
HD Clean™ Roll On
22.5 pv
74 pv
36.5 pv
dōTERRA Motivate™
24.5 pv
On Guard™
34 pv
dōTERRA Touch On Guard
22.5 pv
dōTERRA Passion™
40 pv
PastTense™ Roll On
20 pv
dōTERRA Peace™
30 pv
19 pv
32 pv
Smart & Sassy™
26 pv
dōTERRA Whisper
25.5 pv
26 pv
33 pv
dōTERRA Touch ZenGest
21.5 pv

Friday, June 16, 2017

doTERRA Oil Properties Wheel

The Oil Properties Wheel is a tool designed to help our Wellness Advocates better understand the chemistry behind essential oils. In understanding the basic chemistry of each oil, individuals can more fully understand when and how to use the oils to achieve a desired benefit.
The wheel is divided between two sides: monoterpenes (oils that have a 10 carbon backbone) and sesquiterpenes (oils that have a 15 carbon backbone). The oils are further organized by functional group with the top one or two chemical constituents listed under each oil. Finally, the oils are grouped according to their shared key properties. The shared key properties provide a starting point for understanding how to use the oils. The combination of these different groupings enables individuals to begin to understand the characteristics and properties of dōTERRA’s amazing essential oils.
Some explanatory notes:
Only the top one or two chemical constituents were used in this construction, with the decision to ignore the minor constituents of the oil, which often have important effects.
Oils with a significant (about 25% or greater of the whole) secondary constituent outside of the top constituent’s functional group are included in parenthesis. An example of this is Cilantro (Decenal). Decenal is an aldehyde that is present at about a quarter of the whole oil. The top constituent of Cilantro is linalool, which is an alcohol. Therefore, Cilantro belongs in the monoterpenoid alcohol functional group, but it also has high amounts of an aldehyde.
Melissa (Caryophyllene) and Helichrysum (alpha-Pinene) also have a secondary constituent in parenthesis. Although neither caryophyllene nor alpha-pinene is present at 25% of the whole, they serve to explain the uniqueness of these special oils.
Anethole, one of the components of Fennel, is actually not a monoterpene, but a phenylpropene, as noted.
Attribute doTERRA Blog

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Essential Oils for Babies and Children

doTerra's therapeutic quality essential oils that have been certified pure are considered safe and effective for babies and children.  Essential oils for babies and children when used properly to promote health and wellness can even be safe for newborns.  

When applying to newborns and infants dilute your essential oils because of the sensitive nature of a babies skin  A good ratio to start is 1-2 drops of oil with 2 tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil, just a few drops of that diluted mixture will be enough  

Also chose some of the gentler oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Melaleuca, Ginger, Lemon, Wild Orange, Sandalwood, Roman Chamomile, and one of my favorites, Ylang Ylang.  Digestzen is also an excellent blend to use for occasional tummy discomfort.  Be careful to keep the oils away from babies hands where they might be able to rub them into their eyes.  

You would probably like to know how much essential oils to use on a newborn baby or for children  Here is a simple guide.  

  • 3-6 months of age.  Use a single drop at a time diluted in 4 tsp. of carrier oil
  • 6 months to 2 years of age.  Use a single drop in 2 tsp. of carrier oil
  • 2-6 years of age.  Use 2 drops in 1 tsp. of carrier oil
  • 6 years and older.  Use 3 drops in 1 tsp. of carrier oil

If giving an older child essential oils internally:

  • 1-2 drops
  • 12 drops max in a 24 hour period.  

Possible uses for babies:

Seasonal threats:  Melaleuca, Lemon, or Lavender when the desired result is to avoid seasonal threats.  Diffuse 2 drops of either at bedtime or during the day.  Mix 1 drop of either with 1 tablespoon of a good carrier oil and massage the upper chest and back at each diaper change.  

Occasional newborn tummy discomfort:  Mix 1 drop of Lavender with 1 tablespoon of a good carrier oil.  Gently massage a few drops into the abdomen in a clockwise direction following the natural movement of the colon.  

Normal respiratory health support:  Mix 1 drop of Lavender with 1 tablespoon of a good carrier oil and rub a small amount on the chest and back to support respiratory health.  

Crying:  Place a small drop of Lavender or Roman Chamomile on your hand or a tissue and just like the baby smell the oil.  

Occasional digestive discomfort:  Mix 1 drop of Roman Chamomile and 1 drop of Lavender with 1 drop of whole milk.  Add to baby's bath water and swish around before bathing baby.  Keep the oils away from baby's eyes.  

Fussy baby:  Mix 1 drop of Lavender with 1 tablespoon of a quality carrier oil.  Massage a small amount onto the bottoms of the feet and apply to the back of the neck and behind the ears, cover the feet with socks.  

Healthy liver support:  Mix 1 drop of Geranium with 1 tablespoon of quality carrier oil.  Apply to the bottoms of feet and over the liver area.  Do not apply oils within 1/2 hour before or after exposure to the sun or UVA lights.  

Teething:  Mix 1 drop of Roman Chamomile or Lavender with a tablespoon of quality carrier oil.  Use a small amount to gently massage outside of the face along the jaw line.  

Possible uses for older children:

Grumpy:  Dilute 1-2 drops of Thyme or Lemon in 2 tablespoons of quality carrier oil and massage  little on the neck and chest.  

Boost natural immune system:  Dilute OnGuard blend in an organic carrier oil and store in a roller bottle.  Apply to the bottoms of the feet before daycare, preschool, school, or anywhere hands are exposed.  

Angry child:  Dilute 1-2 drops of Ylang Ylang in an organic carrier oil and apply to the bottoms of the feet.  Diffuse a few drops of Vetiver and Wild Orange.  Apply diluted Vetiver directly to the bottoms of the feet.  

Feeling sick and tired of it:  When feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious apply diluted Lavender to the bottoms of the feet.  Put a drop of Bergamont in the palm of the hand and inhale.  Diffuse Frankincense and Wild Orange to oxygenate the brain and uplift the moods.  

Baby it's cold outside:  To warm them up and boost the immune system warm some organic unfiltered apple juice and add one drop of OnGuard blend.  

Maintain normal intestinal activity:  Dilute 1-2 drops of Rosemary, Ginger, or Wild Orange in a tablespoon of quality carrier oil and massage on stomach and feet for digestive health support.  

Ouchie:  Add 5 drops of Lavender and 5 drops of Melaleuca to warm water, use to clean the ouchie.  Apply 1 drop of Lavender to a band-aid and cover the ouchie.  The Lavender may sting a little if applied directly.  

Ears:  Apply Melaleuca and Lavender to the outside of ear or apply each to a cotton ball and set in the ear.  Do not apply oils directly into the ear canal.  

Occasional minor body discomforts:  Dilute 1 drop of Cypress or Lemon in an unscented bath gel and use in a warm bath.  

After sun care:  Add 5 drops of Lavender to 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera and apply to sun exposure.  

If you would like to learn more about having doTERRA's essential oils for yourself, then see my post on getting started.  I would love to help you learn more.  

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.