
I’m so glad you’re here!

[My family and I]

Hi!!  My name is Nikki, and I'm thrilled you found my site!

About 5 years ago, I began to realize just how much garbage we’ve allowed in our world… in food, cosmetics, cleaning products, medicines, and more.  This realization, of course, opened up a whole can of worms.  :)

I’ve got 2 little ones and a hubby, so making changes to avoid the toxins we can was something I began to take seriously.

Now, you can’t simply escape a world of pesticides, genetically modified food, toxic chemicals, and frankenfoods altogether, right?!  But do you know what I realized?

I have a choice.

We all have a choice when deciding what to foods to buy, what products to clean with, the cosmetics we use, and the type of care and remedies we choose when we are hurt or sick.  Needless to say, it is a journey (without trying to sound too cliche), and one that I am still on.

Enter essential oils.

My introduction to essential oils was when someone I trusted suggested that I try a doTERRA oil at a yoga class to help support my wellness.  When I noticed a difference, I knew I had to learn more.  Since then, we have used essential oils for so many things!!  Finding and using doTERRA oils is something I truly thank God for everyday!

On a personal note,

I’m obviously a mom.  :)

I love Starbucks, and I really LOVE to read.  (Have any favorite authors?!  Do tell!!  I’m always on the hunt for new authors and books!)

The only shows I watch is any Law and Order series and Grey’s Anatomy (pathethic, I know).  Update!  I found and LOVE Downton Abbey as well!!  :)

I research the heck out of pretty much anything new I come across.
I am such a proud mama of my 2 kids that I could cry.
I have such a great a hubby that there are not enough words.
I am blessed beyond anything I could have ever dreamed up.  God is so good!!

I want to share.

I am so glad I was introduced to therapeutic-grade essential oils, and I want to share their power with you.  Please browse around my site and contact me if you have any questions.  Connect with me on Facebook and Pinterest.  Or just send me a note.  :)  I’d love for you to check out our starter kits if you are curious as to where to start with essential oils

 And remember… YOU are in charge of your health!  Thank you so very much for visiting!


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