· Chase Away Stagnant Air: You know the smell of your
grandmother’s closet? Old shoes, dirty clothes, clothing from decades long
gone… Diffuse, drizzle on earthen ware, or dripped on cotton balls, lavender
oil can chase away that stale air.
· Take the Bite Out of a Bite: If you forget to prevent
creepy crawlies, use lavender to soothe the itching and inflammation that comes
from a bite.
· Multi-purpose Spray: When you’re stuck in
traffic, pull out a spray bottle of lavender and water to freshen your car and calm
your nerves.
· Knock the Kids Out: Children wired? A few
drops on their pillow will help ease their minds, calm their bodies, and help
make bedtime a little easier on Mama.
· Skip the Lysol: The next time you need to freshen a
bathroom, use a spray bottle of lavender and water to take advantage of
lavender’s antibacterial, germ-destroying and purifying properties, as
well as its light scent.
· Take the Acid Out of Vinegar: I HATE the scent of
vinegar, but I add a few drops of lavender to a bottle and it’s pure magic in
the kitchen.
· Therapeutic Dish Soap: If your liquid soap is a
bit flat, add lavender for additional aromatherapy benefits and more
antibacterial properties.
· Loveable Linens: Energize your linens with spritzes of
lavender oil. It leaves no oil marks, and freshens your whole closet.
· Lavender Lights: Add lavender to your candle
making for a relaxing scent.
· Brand New Wooden Floors: Commercial floor polishes
contain harsh chemicals– nothing you want your babies crawling on! Just add
lavender oil to your normal cleaning liquid to oil your floors while you clean!
· Help That Old Ball Cap: A well-worn ball cap can
be disgusting after years of wear, so add a few drops of oil to make it a
little more bearable.
· Refresh Your Mattress: When you change your
sheets, spritz your mattress with some lavender oil to freshen your mattress.
· Homemade Room Freshener: In a small mason jar with
holes punched in the lid, put baking soda and 5–6 drops of lavender oil. Place
near your garbage can, dirty clothes, or in the bathroom, and shake often.
· Dog Deodorizer: Add a shake or two of your baking
soda/lavender oil mixture to your carpets and rugs and then vacuum it up.
· Extra Potpourri Mileage: If you have a bowl of
potpourri that has seen better days, try refreshing it with a few drops of
lavender oil.
· Better-Smelling Vacuuming: Your vacuum can make your
whole home smell better or worse. Add a few drops of lavender, lemon, and
peppermint in the bag to freshen the air coming out of the vacuum.
· Soften Citrus: Use lavender in lemon sauces for
chicken or fish, lemon or orange marmalades, citrus dressings, or lemonade.
· Marinades and BBQ: Untraditional, perhaps,
but try adding a few drops to a garlic and rosemary blend for chicken, spread
over vegetables, or honey-and-lavender-marinated chicken breast.
· Bake Like the Best: Lavender is a floral
addition to lemon lavender cookies, lavender sugar cookies, muffins, cakes, and
· Give Your Sugars a Twist: Using lavender oil as a
substitute for vanilla makes a delicious twist in icings, custards, creams, honey,
or even maple syrup.
· Oatmeal Scrub: Fill a baby food jar with oatmeal and
add 5-8 drops of lavender oil. Add water and it becomes an excellent natural
scrub, using just a little at a time.
· Rub a Dub Dub: Instead of normal soap and water at
baby’s bath time, add a few drops of lavender oil to the warm water. Your
little one’s skin will be pampered and soft and it’ll help settle them down for
· Soak Away Stress: Speaking of baths, add it
to your own bath to help relax your muscles, ease anxious feelings, and calm the nerves.
· Let the Vapor Talk: Add a few drops to a
handful of water and massage into your hair. Breathe deeply and let it relax
you while it conditions your hair.
· Target Skin Blemishes: Lavender helps balance the
glands in your skin and control breakouts.
· Minor Burns, Major Relief: When you’ve slightly
overdone it in the sun, a little lavender oil is helpful in calming skin
· Boo Boo Relief: Lavender’s disinfecting properties
make it great for relief from cuts and scrapes, in addition to being wonderful
for the skin around it.
· Alleviate Occasional Ear Discomfort: Warm lavender
(don’t scald it), mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil, and
massage around the ears (NOT in them) and near the glands in the throat.
· Dry Climate Relief: If you suffer from dry,
itchy skin, add lavender to coconut oil and use like a soothing lotion.
· Horrific Heels: If your heels are dry and tough from
sandals all summer or the cold weather all winter, add half a dozen drops of
lavender oil in a warm foot bath.
· Stress Relief: Add a drop to some fractionated
coconut oil and use in a massage of your neck, shoulders, and temples.
· A Hood of Wonder: The next time you’re
feeling under the weather, add 4-6 drops of lavender and peppermint oils to a
bowl of steaming-hot water, place a towel over your head, and inhale the vapor
· A Woodworker’s Best Friend: Do you have a splinter?
Add a few drops of lavender, allow the splinter to swell, and slip out on its
· Seasonal Threats: Lavender oil can calm
down unruly head and respiratory issues. Just apply a drop on the back of your
neck, chest, or cheeks/bridge of your nose.
· Fortify Your First Aid Kit: There are plenty of
doTERRA products that would be incredible additions to your First Aid Kit, but
if you must choose only one, make it lavender. Basic first aid kits are often
focused on minor skin issues, which is just what lavender oil is made for.
Ready to get started with oils? Go here: